I moved into NYU Sunday and it was actually a lot less hectic than I had anticipated. We left home around 10:30 and after a Wawa stop (okay...I'm actually gonna miss wawa coffee) and some lunch we finally arrived in Manhattan around 2ish!
I was expecting lines out of the door to check in and whatnot. Instead I got out of the car, went into the basement, and checked in all within a matter of like three minutes. After that I decided to be stupid and climb the seven flights of steps from the basement to my room (...bad idea. Since then I've taken the elevator to the sixth floor) to go check if my roommate was there and warn her about my crazy family if that was the case.
Got everything moved in, said goodbye to my parents, then I went out to get dinner with my roommate and another girl on my floor who I met when unpacking. Unfortunately I live in like the only residence hall without a dining hall (we call ourselves dining hall hobos) so we had to go to another one of the dorms to get food. The first place we tried (the student center) was closed so we went to the closest dining hall which we found out was also closed. We ended up eating at the kosher cafe there but we were running late for our floor meeting sooo we just ate salads. Go to our floor meeting and there we met a lot of the girls who live in the same side of the floor as we do. We kinda hung out for a while before deciding to go to Bed Bath and Beyond because they were doing an after hours thing for NYU students so we got different prizes plus everything was 10% off. It was actually really funny because NYU isn't known for its community, so most people were shopping by themselves or just with their roommate. I live in the most community oriented dorm so we were the odd balls shopping in a group of seven people.
Then yesterday was all sorts of crazy. I had to be up at like eight so I could get to the LSP Welcome Convocation at nine. I don't think I've been up before nine since PACAA so it was rough. But the first thing I set up in my room was my Keurig so at least I had coffee! After I basically slept through the convocation, I had to go meet with my faculty mentor and discuss the summer reading book. Well luckily for me my mentor is awesome and he hated the book as much as we did so we basically trashed it for an hour and then talked about random stuff for the rest of the time.
We got out of that and it was absolutely pouring which sucked because we then had to go to the President's Welcome at the Beacon which required walking a few blocks to the subway in the pouring rain. Luckily when we got off the subway it had stopped raining but then everyone just felt gross for hours. The President's welcome was so cool, John Sexton (the president of NYU) just seems so invested in the students here and like he really wants the students to succeed.
After that was the reality show where a group of Tisch kids write a show that goes over different problems people are likely to experience in college. These kids were all insanely talented and the show was absolutely wonderful. When that was over we had to get ourselves back to Washington Square using the subway but of course there was a group of about two thousand kids all trying to go to the same subway station. So my group of girls from the floor decided to walk to another station and take it downtown which actually worked out really well because the train we took was absolutely empty. And we proved we could navigate the subway with the help of my trusty subway app!
We were all starving because we hadn't eaten anything except for snacks all day so we tried Weinstein (the dorm we had eaten in the day before) but turns out that the reason the dining hall is closed is because its being renovated and won't be open for a few more weeks! So we settled for going across the park to Hayden which was actually pretty good. After that we went on a walking tour of the West Village which is such a quaint part of the city. We ended up at the pier and had a toast to celebrate the beginning of the school year. We did some team building activities which was fun until we had to walk back to the dorm. After that the seven of us went to see an a capella show at like 11 which was crazy because I was absolutely exhausted but everyone who was in it was crazy talented. We finally got back to our dorm at like 12:15 and I pretty much passed out right away.
Anddd right now I'm sitting typing this because a lot of my friends had orientation programming for their school and this morning was pretty much empty for me. I could have gone to a coffee and tea tour or to see the student comedy group but I'm planning on doing both sometime this week anddd I didn't get up and ready until like an hour ago...awk. I'm supposed to be going to a student life fair in like fifteen minutes but I'm not sure whether I want to skip it or go later with some people from my dorm. I'm planning on going to belly dancing with one of the girls in my suite later before I have to go to a common reading lecture for my summer reading book. Then we're planning on either going to a comedy show or to see Rocky Horror Picture show (or both)
Anyways, I'm absolutely loving school so far. I know classes haven't started but I'm actually really excited for those to start as well which never happens. I love my dorm and my suitemates are absolutely fantastic which is always a good thing!
I'll try and post something either later today or tomorrow. This week is crazy jam packed with activities but when classes start things will probably calm down (or at least I'm hoping they will).
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